Girls Gymnastics Competitive Team
Xcel Gymnastics (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond)
The USA Gymnastics Xcel Program was developed as an alternative competitive program designed to offer a broad-based, more affordable, competitive experience outside the traditional Jr. Olympic Program to attract and retain a diverse group of athletes. The program offers more flexibility than the traditional JO program and caters to athletes who love the sport of gymnastics above the recreational level but at fewer hours engaged in the commitments for Olympic achievement.

Optional Gymnastics (levels 6- Elite)
USA Gymnastics has designated levels 6 – Elite as optional levels. This means routine composition is up to the gymnast’s ability. There are certain requirements for each routine at each level. Competition season usually begins the first weekend of January and ends, depending on level, between late April to the beginning of May.
A 30 day written notice is required to drop a student from team
Alamo Gymnastics Center requires payment of first and last month’s tuition at the time of registration. The last month of tuition will be applied to outstanding charges upon 30 day notice of termination and any unused portion refunded.